What to Know Before and After Cataract Surgery

Having cataract surgery can be a daunting experience. But, with the right preparation and knowledge, you can make the process smoother and more comfortable. Here's what to expect before and after the procedure.

Incision size

Choosing the right cataract surgery center is essential. The team should be experienced and knowledgeable, and the facility should provide quality care at an affordable price. Additionally, the center should have an eye care specialist to answer your questions and address any concerns. It's also important to schedule a follow-up eye exam, especially if you've had a previous cataract procedure. The right eye care center will also ensure your eyes are hydrated, lubricated, and moisturized. Plus, they should offer a complete range of eye care products, including glasses and contact lenses, at a low cost.

Infection control

When considering cataract surgery, it's important to take reasonable precautions to ensure your safety. This includes wearing the appropriate gown and footwear. It's also a good idea to avoid alcohol as it can worsen vision. Finally, consider wearing a protective eye shield in the operating room, depending on your circumstances.

Recovery period

You may experience blurry vision and watery eyes during the recovery period after cataract surgery. However, these minor side effects are usually gone within a day or two. Other side effects include pain and discomfort. You will likely be given eye drops to reduce the pain and swelling. You may also need to use eyeglasses to prevent scratching your eyes. Other complications include retinal detachment and increased eye pressure. Your ophthalmologist will check to ensure you can return to normal activities without complications.

Follow-up care

The most important thing to remember during the recovery period after cataract surgery is to follow your doctor's instructions. A good rule of thumb is to abstain from physically demanding activities for a week or so. During recovery, you may be given prescription medications to help with the healing process. These may include eye drops, anti-inflammatory drugs, and blood pressure medication. You may also need to avoid strenuous activities for a few days after the procedure. You will likely be able to return to work and day-to-day activities within a few days. You will need to go to follow-up appointments and have your eyes checked every few weeks.

Bloodshot eyes

Whether you've had cataract surgery or another procedure, you may notice that your eyes become bloodshot. In some cases, it's normal. But in other cases, it could indicate a severe problem. So you should always call your doctor if you have bloodshot eyes. Cataract surgery can improve your vision, but it can also be painful. In addition, you may have a scratchy eye or light sensitivity after the procedure. Using eye drops to reduce inflammation is recommended.

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