What Causes Cloudiness in the Eye After Cataract Surgery?

It's very common for people to experience blurry or unclear vision in the days and sometimes even weeks after cataract removal. This is usually due to normal eye inflammation that occurs as part of the surgery. As we know, a cataract causes blurred vision because of the opacity of the eye's lens.

Cataract surgery

replaces the eye's lens with an intraocular lens that is similar to a natural lens. So, what causes cloudiness in the eye after cataract surgery? In some cases, things may start to look murky again after the procedure.

This is because the lens capsule (the part of the eye that holds the new artificial lens in place) begins to thicken. Additionally, the central retina (the macula) can swell and cause blurred and distorted vision, which is known as cystoid macular edema (CME).Cataract surgery is a common outpatient procedure that involves removing the lens from the eye and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). Very rarely, after cataract surgery or a pre-existing eye problem, there is a permanent clouding of vision. A study found that about 64 percent of participants experienced mild eye dryness after cataract surgery. There are many patients, such as Aruna, who have blurred vision after cataract surgery and most can be treated with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment and care.

Cataract surgery recovery usually takes a short period of time and you can return to many of your normal daily activities. This will help you understand what to expect after cataract surgery. Having cloudiness in the eye after cataract surgery is a different story, especially for those who don't fully understand what posterior capsule opacity (PCO) and YAG laser treatment are. If you experience sudden changes in vision after cataract surgery, seek immediate medical attention. According to the American Optometric Association, approximately 90 percent of patients report having better vision after undergoing cataract surgery. Cataract surgeries are known to have one of the highest success rates of any surgery, even when PCO and YAG are needed.

Although cataract surgery is generally safe, there is a risk of complications as with any surgical procedure. Whether you experience eye cloudiness due to a cataract or cloudiness after cataract surgery, don't hesitate to contact Dr. With that said, it's important to note that recovering from cataract surgery is different for everyone.

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