What to Do and Not Do After Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can significantly affect your vision, but surgery can help you regain your sight. To recover from a medical procedure, you need to follow specific aftercare instructions. Your eye doctor can explain these in more depth, but what are some of the

do's and don'ts

after cataract surgery? A cataract is the opacity of the eye's lens. This condition progresses gradually, making vision difficult. You might not notice any changes at first, but over time, it can feel like you're looking through a cloudy window.

During the procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the eye before removing the lens. Then, an artificial replacement called an intraocular lens (IOL) is placed. If you're interested in this surgery, how does the process work? Your doctor will evaluate your eligibility for

cataract surgery

before continuing. After this, the doctor will help you determine the best intraocular lens to replace the opaque lens. There are several options available, from basic intraocular lenses to premium lenses, that can eliminate or reduce the need for eyeglasses.

Your treatment will begin with your doctor giving dilating eye drops. The doctor will make an incision in the cornea before removing the lens in small fragments. After removing the lens, the doctor will insert the chosen IOL. Your vision should start to improve a few days after surgery. Your doctor will provide you with aftercare notes, and you will meet with them routinely to track the progress of your recovery. During your recovery, what things should you do to help your healing process? You should start to feel normal a couple of hours after the surgery is complete.

Before you go home, your doctor will give you detailed postoperative instructions to follow up and answer any of your questions or concerns. It's normal for your eyes to feel sandy or watery, and you may have double or blurred vision. These side effects should improve within a few days, but you won't fully recover until 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. During this recovery period, there are several things you should and shouldn't do in relation to surgery that you should be aware of. Follow these tips as a general guideline, but trust your doctor's advice.

If you're not sure if you can do a certain activity while your eyes are recovering, talk to your doctor. They can help you protect your eye health. To ensure a successful recovery from cataract surgery, it's important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and take care of yourself during this time. Here are some

do's and don'ts

after cataract surgery:
  • Do

    : Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods, green leafy vegetables and lean proteins.
  • Do

    : Avoid foods that are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates.
  • Do

    : Wear an eye protector while sleeping for at least one week after surgery.
  • Do

    : Avoid strenuous physical activity for at least four weeks after surgery.
  • Do

    : Avoid driving at night for several days after surgery.
  • Don't

    : Go swimming or sit in a hot tub to prevent infection.
  • Don't

    : Lift heavy objects or do strenuous activities.
  • Don't

    : Sneeze or bend over to avoid pressure on your eye.
  • Don't

    : Expose yourself to wind, pollen or anything else that could get into the eye and cause irritation.
Cataract surgery has a high success rate and should improve your eyesight and allow you to resume normal activities once your eyes have healed. If you need glasses after cataract surgery, you won't be able to get your new prescription until six weeks after surgery when your eye is completely healed. If you're considering cataract surgery for yourself or a loved one, contact us at Heart of Texas Eye Care for a free consultation.

Compared to other notable eye surgeries, the recovery time from cataract surgery is relatively fast. Hunter explains which intraocular lens (IOL) option is best for your lifestyle when considering cataract surgery.

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