What are the Symptoms of a Botched Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the most successful and safest surgical procedures available today. However, it is possible for complications to arise during or after the procedure. The most common symptoms of a botched cataract surgery include sudden decrease in vision, redness in the eye or around the eye that persists after two days, continuous sensitivity to light, eye discharge, persistent pain, fever, nausea or vomiting, sudden increase in floating particles or blinking lights. Patients may also experience blurred vision, sensitivity to light, glare, halos and double vision.

In some cases, the lens may be misplaced during surgery and require repositioning. Bleeding and swelling can occur if the blood vessels that supply the retina start bleeding for no reason. Swelling, bleeding or excess lens fragments can cause increased pressure on the eye, which can lead to glaucoma. Cataract surgery may also slightly increase the risk of retinal detachment.

Infections after cataract surgery are rare but can be treated with antibiotics if they occur. The back capsule can rupture when a surgical instrument probes it at any stage of cataract surgery. Suprachoroidal bleeding can occur in people with diabetes, high blood pressure or other conditions that exist after cataract surgery. Laser cataract surgery is a precise procedure that uses laser technology and intraoperative aberrometry (ORA).

The most common complication of cataract surgery is inflammation of the cornea or the outer window of the eye. Up to half of people who have cataract surgery will experience some increase in eye pressure after the procedure, but pressure levels usually return to normal within 24 hours. While the vast majority of patients with cataracts recover completely after cataract surgery, a small percentage will experience complications. It is important to talk to your eye doctor about possible risks before undergoing cataract surgery to make sure it is right for you. Cataract surgery recovery usually takes a short period of time and you can return to many of your normal daily activities.

Advances in technology have made

cataract surgery

one of the safest and most successful surgical procedures performed today.

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